Hi Alexandra,

First, I want to tell you how much I have enjoyed your writings/stories
over the years! Thank you. :)

I must have missed a post that you had a 'whole' boy! I saw that the
new guy was named Caf-pow (NCIS!) but I missed where he came from....

I have allergies/asthma, had them all my life. They were worse during
childhood, missed alot of grade school, and in my 30's. Anyway, I know
I'm allergic to the ferrets and dogs, but the best thing I have found
is Nasonex for my nasal allergies. Once in a while if the ferrets and
dogs get romping I'll use my rescue inhaler, no big deal. I have all
wood floors in my house, etc. Always vacuming scrubbing floors. Because
it's really only slight and I'm just used to it after 47 years.

But! I am very allergic to whole hobs, my skin will break out in a
rash/welts and I'll get very wheezy. But not to the point where I end
up in the hospital. I know there are quite a few ferret people out
there that are too. The MOST interesting thing though.... is that I
also have the same reaction to adrenal kids. Even before they show
outward signs, hair loss, etc. a spayed/neutered ferret brushed up
against my neck/chest I break out in welts, and get wheezy too. Must be
the hormones the skin possibly secretes, alot like the whole animal.
Very strange...

Joan Vick and the 7 Fuzzies
owned by ferrets since 1977

[Posted in FML 6376]