People are writing about funny things their ferrets are doing, so I
needed to add something I noticed tonight about Thyme -- the very sick
albino. First- to catch everyone up on him--it is now thought he was
bit by a bug. A small drop of blood was found on him at his initial vet
visit-the vet cleaned it off, and looked, but didnt find anything. Now,
I wish I had gotten her to shave the area. If it was a toxin from a
bite, I can see why the diagnosis was pancreatitis. Anyways-he came
home and slept almost all the time. It has only been the last week,
that I am seeing a tremendous improvement!! He is eating and drinking
better. He is much more active. He is even trotting around more.

we are having winter - so I keep him in on chilly, damp days. I have
noticed that every night when I make supper--he comes trotting into the
kitchen looking for food!! I dont know if he smells ours or what!! So,
I give him a handful of kibble; he gets a drink of water from the dog's
bowl, and goes to the afghan on the dog's mat and curls up and goes to

It is sooo nice to see him much more active!! Thanks again to all who
kept him in their thoughts and prayers,

Sue and the Aussie fuzzies

[Posted in FML 6375]