I would like to thank everyone that has contacted me off post about
Tepney, I have gotten so many responses from so many people that I have
given up on trying to send personal e mails out to everyone for reply.
But I think I should let you all know how Tepney is doing.

I am still giving her soup every 4 hours. My wife and I stagger bed
times so that she only goes 6 hours at night with out soup. Although
I dont think soup that frequent at this time because she has started
eating hard kibble again. Right now she seems to be eating the Totally
Ferret Baby, I think because her body is telling her that she needs
more protien, and that food has more than the ASP.

Her activity level is coming up every day, you can see it in her eyes
that she is starting to see a reason to live again. My wife and I have
discussed adopting her, I am not sure what we are going to do. I know
that if she bonds with either of us she could go back into an even
deeper shelter shock when she goes back, or even when she gets adopted
by a new Hoomin. And lets be honest I need another ferret like I need
a hole in my head. I dont know. If and when she is ready we may try
to introduce her to my business of 6. I do know that Tep was an only
child, and she is very, very scared of any other ferret. She will
attack anyone else because she is so scared. I am not going to put her
through that now, I like taking baby steps with the rehabilitation.
Even with the biters and severe behavior issue ferrets I never try more
than one thing at a time.

Well Time to get off of here. I am going to do soup and go to bed. Once
again thank you all, and God Bless.

Gerald & Nikki
And the Fur Kids
Macy, Rambo, Diesel, Pepsi, Bitsy, and Betty Boop

[Posted in FML 6374]