I adopted Molly from Chris at the Oregon Shelter two years ago this
month. Helping at the Symposium Shelter Dinner put me in touch with
many ferrets needing homes. I saw Molly, a beautiful DEW, sleeping at
the bottom of a pile of ferrets.

She was sleeping exactly as I had first seen my Parris, another DEW,
several years before when I adopted her. Parris had passed with
esophageal cancer earlier. I was flying home to Reno, so Molly and
MC's new boy Shokey rode home with Lisa and her daughter Kyrra of Wind
and Willows Shelter.

About 3 weeks ago Molly started making funny squeaking noises, then
waking me during the night coughing and wheezing

We took x-rays, she had the classic *doughnuts and railroad tracks*
of asthma. We treated, Molly got worse.

Another xray, a radiologist reviewed those and said *pneumonia*. We
treated, Molly got worse. Even in a oxygen unit she could hardly

Friday we gave Molly a little gas and looked down her throat.

We saw the kind thing to do was to let her sleep forever.

Molly went to all the educational events with me, and gave kisses non
stop. All the little kids loved her, she *tickled*.

Molly was just 3 years old.


[Posted in FML 6371]