It was a lovely day at de bridge. SaraFerret was busy playing with de
kits when Mimi, de little girl courier, flew up with a note in her paw.
She said,

"SaraFerret, I have a message from the Boss. A ferret is crossing the
bridge and they have requested that you greet her. Is there anything I
can do to help?'

I read de note and sent Mimi on her way to get de fuzzy's friends and
headed for de bridge. I was just in time to see de little fuzzy waiting
for me at de entrance. So I quickly introduced myself,

"Hi I am SaraFerret and I am de bridgegreeter. Welcome to de Rainbow
Bridge. Dis is your new forever home. Here you will have no pain or
suffering and you will look as when you were a young fuzzy. You will
run on green grass forever and have lotsa fun and play games with your

De fuzzy replied, "Well, I am Amilia, the flying ferret. I belong to
Mommy Emilie. Do you know my Mommy? She said I was named after a famous
flying person. Have you ever heard of that famous person? I sure didn't
want to leave Mommy but when I got sick I knew it was my time. I had
been with her so long. Are you sure that I will have lotsa fun here?
Will I be able to fly here?"

I answered, "Amilia, I don't know your Mommy, although I am sure she
is a very nice person. I have heard a lot about dat famous flying lady
named Amelia Earhart. Wowsie was she famous. Dey have done movies and
wrote books about her. I know dat you will have lotsa fun here. And
for sure you will be able to fly here. Do you see dese wings on my
shoulders? Dese were specially made for flying about de clouds. And
you will get your very own pair. You will be able to fly about de
Bridge and have lotsa fun just as soon as you get flying lessons."

Well Amilia seemed overjoyed at dat thought. So off we went down de
garden path to de Wing House where de wings were stored. We opened de
door and on de counter was a big box (of course). She opened de box and
took out de wings--Silver (with Amelia Earhart's numbers written across
dem-just perfect for de little fuzzy). I helped her put on her wings
and adjusted her halo. Den she ran to de big vanity mirror and gazed at
her reflection. Den she turned to me and said, "Gee I wish Mommy could
see me now." Den I gots an idea.

We opened de door and went down de path to de Misting Pond. We sat down
beside de cool clear water and with one swish we saw a vision of Mommy
Emilie appear. Amilie got so excited dat she started waving and dooking
with all of her might.

"I love you Mommy. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for rescuing me
and taking care of me. I don't hurt anymore. I have wings now and soon
I will really be able to fly. One day I will visit you in your dreams."

Den she started to throw hugs and kisses and laid dem on a nearby
shooting star which was headed to your house and by de time you read
dis it should have landed dere. And with another swish de vision was

So we left dere and went down de road to a cottage where a group of
her friends were gathered. Amilia recognized dem all. I could hear
music playing and other fuzzies were coming over and as I went into de
cottage with her, I could see all de food laid out. Mercy, dere was all
de food forbidden to us on earth: chocolate ice cream, m&ms, sweet iced
tea, cold pepsis, all the great stuff. I was invited to stay, but I
could see it was becoming way too crowded, so I gave Amilie a hug and
headed for home.

I remembered my days on earth when I used to climb to de top of my
cage and make flying leaps off de top and Mommy saying "SaraFerret,
No" before she could catch me. Dat was so very long ago.

So ended another day at de Rainbow Bridge.

Lovey and hugs,
SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 6350]