It sounds like he was "mishandled", and learned that humans are not to
be trusted.

I had two like that as well. The only thing that worked with one was to
use something like ferretone, or olive oil. I'd literally scoop her up
with one hand, have the oil in the palm of my other hand already, and
as I scooped her, I'd bring my other palm to her face so she could
smell the oil, and let her have it. That was the only time I touched
her, was to give her a treat. Gradually, she has learned she can trust

With the other, when it came time to come out of the cage, I'd pick him
up out of it. That was the only way he was allowed to come out. I'd
play with him with anything but my hands. Cushions, stuffies, blankets,
towels, etc. And I'd hold him when he was sleepy/asleep, and stroke
him. With either of them, the ONLY discipline they received for biting
was time out in a carrier, but for no more than 3 minutes. That way,
they learn hands, and humans, can be good things.

Here's a good link for problem biters:

Hope this helps a bit!

[Posted in FML 6362]