Hi all! Just want to post about a new website that I came across to
help reunite lost pets with their owners. Its fairly new and I thought
it would be a good idea to get the word out about it. If even 1 animal
is returned home, than its all worth it.

You can post about a pet you lost, one you found, or even spotted but
were unable to catch. The addy is www.spotastray.com . When you go to
the site, there is a drop down menu for type of animal. Originally, it
was only dogs and cats, so I contacted the man who set it up and asked
him if he would be willing to add ferrets to that list. His name is
Frank, and he was more than happy to add ferrets onto it. Now, if
someone spots a stray ferret, even if they are unable, or afraid to
try to catch it, they can post details of the sighting, and hopefully,
a happy homecoming can result! Its a free service, and just 1 more
valuable tool to help find a lost furred family member.

[Posted in FML 6359]