I've been a reader of FML for several years now. I used to have ferrets
for pets but after losing them to numerous things, decided to let my
heart heal.

I got my first ferret, Daizee, in Jan of 2001. She was a delight to
have for a pet.

I got my first skunk, Alf, in June of 2001. He was the best first skunk
that I could have ever asked for.

They grew up together. Daizee would race in her tubes and Alf would be
waiting at the other end for her to exit. Sometimes, she would throw
him off and turn around in the tubes. He would run down to the other
side and greet her like she was lost.

Sadly they both passed very close in time together. I think she missed
her bigger buddy.

Any way, not all skunks are the classic black and white. They come in
every color in the rainbow, except for blue and green. I'm blessed to
have a lavender skunk, but I never knew it until our last skunk show.
Yes, we have skunk shows, held once a year.

Skunks and ferrets used to be in the same family until Dr. Dragoo
somehow found the difference.

Skunks are descented at the breeder, but they still need to "fixed"
even if they think they're not broken.

My skunkies are also guessed to be many different creatures, since they
aren't the classics that every one is used to seeing. Large ferret,
badgers, etc. You should see their faces when I tell them it's a skunk!

If you think finding a vet that will treat a ferret is hard, you should
try to find one that treats a skunk. Right now, I'm very happy that we
have one that is awesome, but he's over an hour away.

Linda, now getting off my soap box.

[Posted in FML 6358]