Ardith writes:
>Dear Mr Tonks
>Of course you may come and play at my house. Would you be bringing Mz
>If so, you will want to keep a watchful eye on her. A certain GizzyGoo
>lives here, and he does love the ladies.
>It is nice that you will use the litter box. Perhaps you will be
>willing to give lessons? There are a few here that could learn
>*where* to properly poop.
>Poofing lessons not desired at this time.
>Aunty Ardith

Aunty Ardith,
Izzy says she will come if you have a Bloomingdales close by. And I
don't think I can help ya with that litter box thing. Where I am a man
of discretion when it comes to using the litter box, Hoops & Yoyo are
pigs!! No matter what I tell them, its useless. He even steps into the
little box, and while the front part of his body is in the box, he
poops outside of the box. Pig I tell you! Can I still come?

Super Tonks

[Posted in FML 6355]