::Isabella and her sisters are sitting in the dark on the sofa watching
Ghost Hunters eating Dookers Delights and drinking Vivify shakes::

::April Big O Name sitting next to them watching Bubba fumble down the
hallway covered in a white blanket waiting for him to jump out and
scare the girls::

Just then the front door swings opens.... the Vivify shakes and Dookers
treats go flying everywhere...the girls start screaming.

"Relax girls it is just Travis". April yells as she watches Bubba run
down back down the hallway all poofed out.

Travis steps in front of the TV and turns it off. Girls SHH! I have
something for Isabella but she has to share.

::Bubba and Paulo come around the corner just as Travis is handing her
a red box:::

Bubba whispers to Paulo I hope it is a chew stick.

Isabella opens the box and pulls out a pet tag... "Ahh Travis I already
have one of these" Travis replies Isabella read the pet tag out loud

It says... Bruno.

Just then Travis pulls a puppy from behind his back and the Girls go
nuts, screaming, dooking and jumping around.

Bubba gives Paulo a disappointed look just as he is putting his arm
around Bubba

Bubba, this is great! Now when you knock over the trash you can blame
it on the DOG!

[Posted in FML 6348]