Hey everyone,

I have a location for the Ferret Play in Holland, MI this Saturday and
Sunday. Dee says the location is at 6th and College, that is all the
she knows right now. If I get any more specific location I will shoot
another post here.

Once again, we will be in Holland, MI for Ferret Play on Saturday May,
2 from 10am to 6pm and again on Sunday May 3 from 12pm to 6pm. We're
just inside the entrance to the right of the stage, next to Diall 911,
hair coloring/face painting (oh boy) and a caricature artist. I got the
dates wrong in my original post but the days and times were correct.
Sorry about that!

I know a couple of you have contacted me and I should have emailed
you all by now. If not please keep an eye out here. There may be an
additional post on this same day with more specific location details
so please read on.

Hope to see some of you there. Bring your babies and lets have some fun
showing people how great our little carpet sharks can be. Let them see
they are not just a pet but a companion and more important Family.

On another note. I am going to be getting with Dee and talking to her
about trying to set up something maybe on a monthly or semi-monthly
basis. I know some of you that have emailed me have stated that the
ferret community in your area is scarce or even non-existent. I would
like to try to get something going here in Michigan. I know up north
here there are very few people with ferrets. When I went to the vet,
the only vet out of 5 in the area that deals with ferrets, they said
that there are a couple other ferret families in the area but not many.
I also have noticed one family is trying to re-home their two ferrets.
They have a ad on Craigslist (Northern Michigan) for thier two ferrets
plus cage. If anyone knows of someone looking for a adpoptees please

Sorry for the side track. Anyway, I would like to see something get
going up here in Michigan. Maybe something that we can hold on a
monthly or semi-monthly so we can get together and share stories, have
a picnic or whatever. If you have any suggestions please email me. Even
if you are not a Michigander, and have get togethers in your area I
would love suggestions.

Take care and once again, hope to see some of you in Holland this
weekend. I am still trying to get some more specific information on
our location. Will update if I do.


[Posted in FML 6319]