My sister has a blog primarily about education and the participatory
culture of the internet. She recently made a post about how different
groups have their own version of "rock stars". (If you want to read the
post, it's at
<> )
In it, she stated that:

"when people are as immersed in a field as the Intel employees of
the commercial clearly are, they have their own set of rock stars
who aren't like "real" rock stars. ... They are generally very, very
talented; they have achieved something we fantasize about; and they
are famous among people who care about their field. "

She then challenged her readers to list their OWN "rock stars". It made
me realize that we often don't take the time to thank the people who
give so selfishly of their own time and talents, to help the rest of
us in the ferret community. So, I decided to post my response here,
as well. (I know that many of these people do not read the FML, but
are very active on the FHL. This post would not make it past the FHL
posting guidelines, so if anyone would like to pass it on to them,
please feel free.)

A while back, Jenna posted a blog which stated how much better the
online cat forums would be if we could convince the vets to join the
forums. Well, my rock stars are some of the vets (and others) that HAVE
joined the forums, and give freely of their time and knowledge in order
to help ferrets and their owners.

Field: Veterinary Medicine / Ferrets

1) Ruth Heller, DVM. I would consider moving to Pennsylvania, just so
she could be my ferrets' vet

2) Sukie Crandall, internet researcher extraordinaire

3) Alexandra Sargent-Colburn, possibly THE best storyteller I've ever
had the pleasure of reading

4) Bob Church, zooarchaeologist specializing in ferret research

5) Jerry Murray, DVM

6) Bruce Williams, DVM

7) Rebecca Stout, AKA Wolfy

Thanks for posting this, Jenna. It made me realize how easy it is to
take people like this for granted, forgetting to thank them until it's
too late. In fact, I'm on my way right now to post this response to one
of the internet lists as a thank you to the wonderful people who give
so unselfishly of themselves in order to help the ferret community.


Bright Blessings,
with Tanner, Tinker, Jasper, and Dervish
missing Cinnamon, Coke, Pixie, Chitterbox, Kodi-Bear,
Twizzler, and Yozum

[Posted in FML 6343]