Obama today signed into law the national ferret nail trim bill to
reduce key reforms on rising cloaked hidden nail trim actions that
has cost thousands of lost jobs in this economical fubar.

So Peekaboo got her nails trimmed much against her will and these
objections were very well displayed as she snaked all over the table.
But of course I was much stronger than she and managed to get all 10
toes returned to adequate federal Obama set limits. Phew!

For sure I would not want some federal agent pounding on my door
because Peekaboo was out of tolerance in her nail scope! We both are
safe and happy. The earth quake in Mexico today was from Peekaboo's
antics trying to escape the federal mandate, I apologize for that.

Gordon, Peekaboo and Pester (Pester was done yesterday, she licked
my moustache so I could get her toes without trauma to either of us)

Rev. J Gordon Bengtson
Aarrow-Ranch Aviation
Mechanicsville, Virginia 23111

[Posted in FML 6341]