I just want to clear some things up that people may have misunderstood.

1. Pet Shops: If I get a ferret it will not be from a pet shop. Though
Rocky came from a PetCo, I didn't buy him; a friend gave him to me as
a gift.

2. Shelters: I know the advantages of adopting from a shelter. And I
have no problem giving money to a shelter. I've donated to shelters
and SOS just for charity.

3. Private Individuals Advertising Online: In some ways I feel it might
be better (not necessarily for me but for the ferret) to get a one
advertised online because they are in a bad home and may end up in
another and get passed around from home to home until they end up at a
shelter in old age (if they're lucky). It's true, as some have said,
that people who want to get rid of their ferret are more interested in
the money than a good home. They want to recoup their costs. It's also
true that if you advertise online without charging a fee, you don't
know what will happen to them.

[Posted in FML 6337]