One thing stood out to me in the original post. She mentioned having
just seen the movie Saving Private Ryan.

I chose not to watch this movie, so I don't know what it was like, but
I did hear it was very emotional and heart wrenching. Perhaps this was
what prompted the questions on how to prevent the suffering of our
animal friends.

I am one that must be very careful in what movies I watch, books I
read, etc. I *know* how I am affected emotionally. Not for hours,
days, or weeks.


I was recently asked if I had seen/would see the movie Marley And Me.

No.... never.

My teacher read the story of Bambi to us when I was in the first grade.
I sobbed hysterically, and threw up.

That was many years ago, still a very vivid memory.

So, did the movie affect the original poster in such a way she felt
compelled to *prepare* for some horrible happening in her life by
euthanizing her animals


Sometimes our emotions can play cruel tricks on our otherwise very
reasonable world.


[Posted in FML 6336]