One of Debbie Fitzgeralds ferrets, Kevin Lee, made it into the top 10
in the ASPCA Go Orange contest!!!!


Craiglist ferrets -
There have been a lot of ferrets listed on craigslist lately, some for
free. I cringe everytime I go through the pets and free adds. I try to
help those I can, and refer those I can't. There are so many other
animals listed there too - so very sad. Many of the listings, including
those for ferrets, use the excuse that they don't have time for their
animals because they are busy with work and family. So do the rest of
us not have those committments too? I bought Serena from an advertiser
on craigslist and I was concerned about the time I could devote to her
so I rely heavily on the ferrets to keep her occupied. This morning
Serena and Sweet Pea were playing tug of war with a crochetted
catafairy. Sweet Pea won!!! While I'm busy cleaning, feeding,
medicating, Serena is either sitting with the fuzzies begging for
N-bones or chasing them around in the house or out in the enclosure.
My one on one time is limited but we are a family and all share the
relationship responsibility. :-)

If anyone has room in their heart, home, and financial budget, please
check out the pets section on craigslist in your state for a new animal
companion family member.


[Posted in FML 6334]