I've been using compounded diazoxide for about 3 years now. I live
in NYS. My vet charges $69 for a month's supply. I asked for a
prescription to order it from the compound pharmacy that he uses. I now
pay approximately $103 for a 3 month supply plus shipping. The pharmacy
is Pine Ridge Pharmacy in Buffalo, NY. They have at least 10-15
different flavors available. I used peanut butter for my Cher and now
have switched to banana for my Sam; the same flavor my vet uses. They
hate it all but some is more palatable I'd say to the individual

Barb and her remaining on whirling dervish...Sam

Help Feed Rescued Animals:
No one in the world needs a mink coat but a mink. - Murray Banks
Animals can communicate quite well. And they do. And generally
speaking, they are ignored. - Alice Walker
Hunt each other - leave the animals alone.

[Posted in FML 6329]