I'm trying; I really am; I promise. But, I'm at a loss for what to do

1. Tried to get fuzzies vaccinated at vets office, but they don't carry
ferret vaccines, because there isn't much of a call for them. They've
got experience with ferrets from previous clinic locations in more
urban areas, but we're in a big rural area here.

2. Tried to search on the internet for where to purchase vaccines, so
my vet can vaccinate my ferrets. Nothing is turning up.

3. Called PetCo about their ad on the internet and radio to vaccinate
dogs, cats, and FERRETS on May 16th in Sandusky, Ohio (midway between
Toledo and Cleveland, on Lake Erie). Told me to contact the contracted
vet. Their vet says won't touch ferrets with a ten-foot pole.

4. Went to Erie County Rabies Clinic on May 9th. They advertised on
internet and radio to vaccinate dogs, cats, and FERRETS. I called to
varify this fact, and was told they would. Vet at clinic said they did
not order any vaccines for ferrets, because there wasn't much interest
in them last year.

Really, REALLY, trying here. It is a personal preference of mine not to
vaccinate, but, because the furrballs are around kids alot (and parents
can get freaked out over a playful nip that doesn't even leave red
marks) and two of them will be therapy animals at a local nursing home
(and this vaccination delay has put this off schedule), I must abide by
local requirements. I've seen bad vaccine reactions before, so I have a
right to be cautious. Whether you agree or not that my belief against
vaccinations for ferrets as a GENERAL rule, I am trying to get them

HELP! Does anyone know how/where to buy vaccines for ferrets? My vet
has no problem with doing the vaccinations, if I bring in the vaccines.
Maybe a shelter could sell me enough for four ferrets? I know shelters
often vaccinate their own, having especially close relationships with
their vets (previous experience). Maybe there's a vet reading this that
could forward what I need to my vet for a fee? I need Imrab-3 (I think
that's what I read on ferretcentral.org in the Ferret FAQ) and either
Furvac-D, Formm-D, or Galaxy-D for four ferrets. Three of the ferrets
are between 1.4 and 2.1 lbs. One ferret is between 4 and 5 lbs -- I
think that makes a difference in the dosage? Please help if you can.

With respect,
Lori in Ohio
Ferrets: Rhys, Frost, Ayla, & Codo
Cats: Reaganne & Little Miss

P.S.: Codo is putting on weight and muscle. I'd even be willing to
affirm that he is moving around better and showing more interest in
his surroundings. Quality food, exercise, additional playmates, and
love seem to be making a difference.

[Posted in FML 6329]