It has been wonderful to hear the kind, thankful posts from shelters
about the support of different groups and individuals. Letting us know
how filled their days can be with difficulties, and how much a simple,
heartfelt outreach can mean to them.

As a member of Support Our Shelters I would like to thank the many,
many individuals in the ferret community who contribute to SOS. It is
your support of the many SOS programs including the SOS Raffles, Card
Exchanges, Buck-a-month, and the new Blizzard Fund that enables SOS to
do what it does.

Thank you all for staying involved over the years and letting SOS be
what it is, a needed support for so many ferret shelters. The thank
you's that SOS received are for all of you who help make a difference!!

Thanks for being a part of the support!


PS And because they are all worth mentioning I wanted to thank those
who support our other programs too: FML Calendar, You are Charmed,
E-bay auctions, Petey TPO (a favorite of mine!), We Care packages,
and last but never least, the Memorial Page.

Thank you all!!

A link for those who would like to view or contact the many ferret
shelters on the SOS Shelter List

[Posted in FML 6328]