Dear Ferret Folks-

I am a hoomin. Top of the food chain. Opposable thumbs. Binocular color
vision. Oh, wait....not today. Today I had my eyes tested for my very
first pair of dedicated reading glasses. The very nice optometrist
looked into my eyes with all sorts of complicated gadgets, put in eye
drops, and used more gadgets. By the time she was done I couldn't focus
on a danged thing. My sister had to come with me to drive me home.
(This was planned ahead of time.) They gave me a really clunky pair of
sun glasses to wear home that looked like something Ray Charles would
have *thrown out* for being ugly. I needed them. Light hurt. The world
was a blur.

Well, I got home, my sister left. I could hear Todd scratching at his
cage door to be let out. I am a friend to weasels. I let him out. I
could *hear* him do his regular daytime romp and stomp. I let him
play a good long time. I could hear his little claws on the kitchen
linoleum. I could hear the soft padding of his paws across the living
room rug. Todd himself, though, was just a dark blur down by the floor.
I could tell where he was when he was moving, but not when he was

So Todd decided to be veeeeery still. For a long time. As in, Todd
somehow figured out that he was FREE! I couldn't catch him. He was
right. I couldn't. I searched shelves with my hands, looking for a
squeakie. I looked like someone trying to read a china hutch with
Braile. Plate...cup...bowl...saucer....but no squeakie. Todd, just to
be a little &)*)+!!!! walked half a step behind me, very quietly. When
I whirled to find him, I only saw shadows. And heard him run. I could
almost hear him gloat. I knew that his whiskers were lifted in a
mustelid grin, litle fangs showing. Just knew it.

Oh....that know. We played this game for about fifteen
minutes before he finally slipped up. He had been getting his jollies
by seeing how *close* he could get to the blind hoomin, and still be
able to run away. Well, there is a reason this primate predator is at
the top of the food chain. I can be *fast* when need be. And patient.
He ran across my foot, and I *lifted*. Then, I had a cheapo mink wanna
be draped over my instep, really wishing that he were somewhere else.
The next thing he knew, I was feeling my way to the cage...I found it.

HAH! Top of the food chain, buddy! With or without binocular color

Alexandra in Ma

[Posted in FML 6311]