Harley came to us 1 1/2 years ago from the big Ohio DMK Rescue along
with 13 others in transport to new safe places to live out their lives.
We kept 3 and Harley was "the Face Biter" It took him & his 2 buddies a
while to learn how to be a ferret- after months of socialization with
us - they learned to live life as a ferret should. Without a care in
the world-being spoiled daily by Daddy & Mom.

Harley always had a jerk reaction to bite if you put your face too
close.( No wonder -knowing where he came from)

We accepted his quirk and loved on him just the same. He enjoyed
N-bones & cooked chicken.as special treats. Recently- He slowly went
downhill and we just gave him the best we could until he just didnt
want to eat anymore. It was time.

He is missed by Dad & Mom, Taylor, Dylan & Mika(his playmates)

Run free Harley- run free. Love on you from- Your Family


[Posted in FML 6311]