Thanks to all who have sent me messages, poems and cards in sympathy
of my beloved Rocky. It helps so much to know that others understand
how great a loss this is for me and that so many of you remembered and
appreciated my stories of Rocky over the years. Rocky will live on not
only in my heart and soul but in the archives of the FML and your
memories. I hope to eventually answer everyone's emails individually.
Special thanks to BIG for speaking to me about ferrets and telling me
about the FML.

Some days are very difficult; everyday the simplest things remind me
of Rocky and that he's gone, like the plastic grocery bags that I used
to drop on the floor for him or the places in my apartment where his
newspapers used to be. When I'm not home around 3:00 PM, I think, "Oh,
I have to get home to feed Rocky," and then I realize that he's not
there. A few days ago, Rocky came to me in a dream. He was healthy and
happy and playing with his toys. Perhaps he was contacting me from the
bridge to tell me he's still with me and he's ok.

Your condolences and kindness have brought me great comfort.

Take care of those fuzzies. Hold them whenever possible. They are such
precious and special creatures.


[Posted in FML 6291]