Serena continues to do very well with the ferrets. Serena was 13 weeks
old on Friday. She is now officially too big for the hammocks but
still tries to fit in them, to the dismay of the ferrets snuggled in
them. Serena plays tug-a-egg or another toy with the ferrets and she
sometimes lets them win so she can chase after them without catching
them - she lets them get away - she is learning it is sometimes better
to give in to others so they can build their self-worth too.

She lines up with the ferrets for N-bones and she tries to snitch the
N-bones from them (I must buy some puppy N-bones) because she gobbles
the one I give her so quickly. She knows what a ferret hisssss or growl
means and politely backs off.

Serena rushes to the marshmallow mateys treat bowl along with the
ferrets, her big head and 2 little ferret heads is all that fits, so
she takes a small mouthful and backs up so others can get their cereal
too. If a ferret goes to the water bowl or food bowls, Serena goes
to get a drink or bite of kibble too. I've seen many a ferret give a
look of disdain when her big head edges them over. There is no food
aggression and foods are available all times to whomever wants to eat
from them.

The ferrets object to her puppy bounciness when they are snuggled
in covers and we are working on that but she is a puppy and forgets
sometimes. Xena has quit trying to intimidate her as Serena is now 3
times their size - she was the same size as Cyborg when I brought her

Serena is beginning to 'go see' when we hear a ferret fuss. My hope is
to teach her to gently intercede so that the ferrets stop fussing with
each other. Serena has more energy and is much younger than I am so
she can learn to do the foot work.

Serena is learning compassion - Kit Kat, who may be making her final
visit to the vet this Wednesday, has a rash on her back legs and is
clearly uncomfortable (even with ointments) and Serena sniffs her and
looks at me as if to say "Can't you help her". Kit Kat is 7 years old
and had a stroke Feb 2008 that left her brain damaged. She circles when
she tries to walk, she eats well and was getting around well till a
week ago when the rash surfaced. Kit Kat has a tired look to her so
maybe it is time. Serena will go with us to our vet and this may be her
first time to witness our last act of love for Kit Kat - depending on
what our vet thinks.

Even though Serena herself is a mega-esophagus puppy, she is thriving
and adding a touch of serenity and love to our little family. She truly
is an amazing little being.


[Posted in FML 6309]