Yawnno..(silly as it was)..I held out for a long time not joining this
support group mainly because I like to have my own direction on where
my donations go.... But one day I sat here and it was as tho I had a
"vision" (better known as a headache that felt like I'd been hit over
the head with a bat!!)....haha... 

Think about it kids...its only a ONE TIME donation of 12.00!!!! That's
it! The enormity of the combined monies is simply amazing!! There is no
other group like the SOS....they SUPPORT THE SHELTERS!! What an amazing
thing to do!! I still donate to the shelters when I can but this group
sits there, all the time for emergencies and help when needed... Wow!!
Especially these days with the shelters splitting at the seams...my
Gawd it's the very least we can do!! Please really think about it and
join?? The little member cards are really cute and I proudly carry mine
in my wallet right next to my diabetic card .... ;) ....and if you ever
want to enter "ferret heaven" when you die (and I KNOW I do!!!) it
might be a great idea to have your card on ya!! A little ferret told
me its required...hahaha...

Sending love!!
Tara xoxoxoxoxo....excited to know where I'm going when I die!

[Posted in FML 6291]