Instead of a water bottle outside of the cage, you can use a water
bowl. I have a large pretty heavy water bowl that can't be easily
tipped over. Keep in mind no matter how heavy it is, if you put it on
something the ferrets can get under it will get spilled. I got a Large
microwave turntable tray (this thing is heavy) from the local thrift
store. The ferrets cant get under it nor can they tip the water and
food bowls that are on top of it. the tray keeps most of the crumbs
and water contained and i just throw it in the dishwasher once in a
while. the doors are open on my cage for 8 hours min. during the day.
Hope this gave some of yall a good idea.

Macy, Rambo, Diesel, Pepsi, and Bitsy (Dixie)

[Posted in FML 6306]