If anyone has ferrets, a single or pair, preferably at least one
female, that they are considering giving up for adoption in the Ohio
area and is willing to help transport the ferret to Huron, Ohio, on
Lake Erie, half-way between Toledo and Cleveland, please contact Lori
at [log in to unmask] Lori keeps ferrets as physical and emotional
therapy. She has a variety of physical ailments (fibromyalgia, thoracic
outlet syndrome,...) and visual impairment. Contact Dook-N-Dance, a
ferret shelter in North Carolina, for reference, if you feel that
certain disabilities puts Lori's ability to take care of ferrets in
question. The ferrets would inhabit a five-foot tall cage (Super Pet
FerreTrail Multi Floor Home) with two other males, Frost (albino, age
6) and Rhys (chocolate, age 4ish). The ferrets will be fed MF food.
Limited cash is on hand to assist with acquiring two more ferrets, as
Lori and her husband live on Social Security (which is why Lori hasn't
approached a ferret shelter in this matter); she wants to keep
available as much money as possible for ferret-related care.

[Posted in FML 6291]