Dear fuzzy lover's,

Today I came home from work and opened the ferret cage as usual.
Earlier today I thought I had lost Munchkin, she was sleeping so
deeply. I should have recognized the charge in the air. Tonight, Tucker
was sleeping as usual. Only he wasn't. He looked so peaceful, chin up,
laying on his forepaw, just like always. Like he was dreaming. But the
time for dreams has passed. Tucker, the most laid back, friendly ferret
I have ever encountered (and I have met MANY!) has gone on to wait for
me at the Rainbow Bridge. And I can barely type through my tears.

I moved to St. Thomas in 2004, leaving my ferrets in the care of
another ferret owner. My boyfriend at the time realized how empty I
was without them, and in May 2005, Munchkin and Tucker "surprised"
me. A few months later, Oracle and MJ came down to join their island
siblings. I have since lost both Oracle and MJ to brutally fatal
diseases (I went through hell watching them die). I never knew how old
Tucker was, but I'd guess he was at least 6 months when I got him. He
is survived by his "sister" Munchkin, and his younger brother "White

Tucker was a mellow ferret, who always acted like an old man. He was
gentlemanly to a fault, enjoying nothing better than some treats before
retiring to a hammock. He had a sweet tooth, and loved Ferretvite,
Ferretone, sips of soda (only sips), and Peanut Butter Ferret Crunch.
He always had a nasty cough, and I often wondered if he had a heart
problem, but it never seemed to bother him, and he lived a good, happy
life. Last night, before I went to bed, I squeaked the toy, called the
furkids, and picked each up and hugged and kissed them before anointing
their bellies with the customary Ferretone. Tucker was the last to
surface, and he came out scratching, then giving kisses to the air in
anticipation of his treat. He was never malicious to the others, and
always had a cuddle for the odd man out. I just can't believe he's
really gone.

He wouldn't want me to fuss over him. In the end, he went the way we
wish all of our fuzzies to go if they must. Peacefully, relaxed, in his
sleep. He was a fantastic ferret until his very last breath. He sets an
example for all Muskyteers to come. He is travelling to the Bridge with
a tube full of Ferretvite and a can of Peanut Butter Crunch. He will
also have his vibrating hedgehog, the only toy he got possessive about.

Bridgegreeters, please keep an eye out for him. He will be met by MJ
and Oracle, and escorted to join his other family members: Gizmo,
Rocky, and Nibbles, as well as all of the other rescues I couldn't
save. Please write back to let me know he got his wings. He would like
green wings, to match his eyes, which always reflected green. He was a
very dark sable with gray tail and a white bib and little white toes.

Rest in peace my little prince, until we meet again...I promise to
look after Munchkin in your absence. You will be sorely missed.

Love, Sara, Munchkin and White Man
(and the felines: Murphy, Stormy, and Squish)

[Posted in FML 6304]