Dear FML Family,

Due to unforeseen circumstances Ferret Dreamers Rescue Haven in San
Marcos will be closing it's doors as a rescue. We have enjoyed the
friendships made and all the support but we just have no choice but to
close. Thank you again to everyone who helped and we will adopt out the
remaining adoptable ferrets but will not be taking in any more intakes.
It's been a great year and working with the ferrets firsthand has
definitely been an experience we would not have missed for the world.
We have learned a great deal and that is strictly due to those who were
gracious enough to teach us everything they could. Thank you. You know
who you are! I don't have to mention you because to you the ferrets
are that important. You step out of the limelight and give it to the
ferrets and what an inspiration and incredible mentors you are. I hope
your endeavors are blessed with love and lots of ferret kisses!

Ferret Dreamers Rescue Haven

[Posted in FML 6302]