I'm sorry to be so late responding to the discussion regarding the
Ferret Nation cage problems (health issues have kept me away from the
PC), but I just wanted to mention that I have two cages, and this is
what I did:

When I purchased the first cage, I saw the possibility of serious
injuries, so before I put it into use I removed the inner shelves and
purchased 1/4" hardware cloth (looks like fencing/screening) and clips,
and made floors, with openings and attached ramps. I then covered the
wire flooring with cut pieces of carpeting, and placed soft blankets
and hammies in there for their comfort, and this worked well. However,
the second time around, I couldn't find clips, but someone told me
about a product called "Fuzzy Floors" made by Karen Young. So, I
contacted her and got a couple - they are fabulous - they come in a
variety of models, colors and sizes, but essentially they cover the
whole area, and have heavy loops that extend out between the bars,
and clear Lucite poles that slide through the strapping to hold them
snug and tight. No way for a fuzzy to get a head or paw stuck, or slip
through - and way comfortable, like a giant hammie. And I can remove
them for laundering as often as I want. They are the perfect solution.
I don't know if it is OK to mention contact info in this forum, so if
anyone is interested, e-mail me and I will send you contact info.

[Posted in FML 6301]