Hi Jay

About ten years ago I had a ferret with cataracts on both eyes, he was
about 5 at the time, his weight about 700 gram. Hi right eye develop
glaucoma, we treated for a while with medication, don't know which, but
he hated it, and as soon as we stopped, the glaucoma returned, I though
the stress of the eye treatment was to much and opted to have the eye
removed, as he was blind in both eyes anyway, He went in, came home a
few hours later and was bouncing around the next day, He never had any
trouble with his eyes after that, he was later operate on for Insulinom
and adrenal, We had him put to sleep at the age of ten when he
developed polyps in his air pipe and had trouble breathing, at that
age there was no more we could do for him, but I would go for removal.
Glaucoma can be very painful.


[Posted in FML 6300]