Serena (lhasa-cocker) is doing very well with the ferrets, she isn't
quite sure how to act ferrety and that confuses her but she tries.
She's now 6.5 pounds and too large for the floor hammock though she
still tries to get in it. She hasn't grasped the concept that ferrets
sleep UNDER bedding so when she plops in the beds there usually is a
ferret under her and not pleased with her. I'll have to work on
teaching her to check before plopping down.

This morning her and Sweet Pea were tugging on a crocheted egg, Serena
walking backwards and Sweet Pea sliding down the hall on firmly planted
feet. They ended up in the bedroom so I'm not sure who won the tug of
war but Sweet Pea got away with the egg.

Yesterday she wanted to play with Dante and as he walked away she
grabbed his tail and pulled him back to her, then let go, and as he
walked away again she pulled him back again. Poor Dante. I was giggling
so hard I couldn't save him. No harm done except to his ego.

If the ferret cage is floor level and the door large enough she walks
right in. A couple days ago she was bored so she found a floor cage
with a low hammock full of fuzzies and tried to get in with them. They
were not impressed.

Serena spends a lot of time in the enclosure when the ferrets are out
there. Sully taught her to dig so now there are large puppy holes in
the dirt area. She watches the ferrets intently and I'm guessing
they'll teach her many many more things....

For the most part, Serena does well with the ferrets, but I'm also very
stern on what she can and can't do. She is learning names and which
ones she can and can't play with, and that house playing has to be
calm playing. We are still working on the inside voice...


[Posted in FML 6298]