I read the subject line of this post and almost bypassed it, figuring
it was yet another wearying post-mortem performed on the long-dead
corpse of the recent post by you-know-whom. But something about it drew
me back...perhaps the length? I am not very familiar with the writer,
so I figured that I could read the first few lines and hit "scroll" if
my first assumption turned out to be correct. Heaven knows that I have
grown weary of these long-winded debates over someone who exists merely
to be a troll.

But I was captivated.

By far, IMHO, this post was the *VERY BEST* response to this whole
unnecessary mess. Not only did Kendra capture the originally-bizarre
use of Norse mythos as used by U-no-hoo; she pinpointed the very crux
of the entire situation by attributing the actions of
He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named to the notorious Loki. I found this amazing,
and I was hit over the head with the weirdest sense of deja-vu --
because that was the ONE WORD that popped into my own head when I
finally read the original post that has caused all of this mayhem.
I thought, "LOKI". How fitting! (And please do not misinterpret my
associating HWSNBN with Loki as in any way suggesting that EL has any
resemblance to godlike status!)

I was amazed.

Not only did this woman stirringly re-animate our Heroine-at-large; she
used H.W.S.N.B.N.'s own weapons against him -- and without bloodshed. I
LOVE this use of fire-against-fire. And she did it so well!

Thank you, Kendra, for one of the best posts I have read from this
group, ever.

Now, I wish that we'd all move on, and stop feeding HWSNBN more sludge
and anger to feed his obscene ego. I trust that he has been sitting
and feeding on all of this rage for days, laughing at how "clever" he
is, and what an amusingly "meta-writer" he is. Really, as far as I'm
concerned, Kendra's post is a fitting CAP to the last few days' posts,
so please, folks -- let her have the final word.


~Eri in Texas

[Posted in FML 6296]