>From:    Leslie Miller <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Ferrets and Dogs...Living Together?
>I wanted to ask those of you out there that have dogs and ferrets what
>breed you have and how they get along?

We currently have 20 something ferrets and 4 dogs. Keeshound, Sheltie,
Med Mixed breed and a Pomeranian. Know the history of the animals and
temperment is the big plus.

All of our ferrets get along with our dogs except one. We were told
when we adopted him he will go after a dog and he has. A few times
we'd forgotten to send the dogs downstairs before letting the boys out
of their room. Only to find Bobby running after one, the dog running,
with us trying to get the dog to come to you while trying to grab the
ferret. He at times he would grab onto their back leg and just hang
on, when all the while the dog is running and we are running trying
to catch the dog to grab the ferret. It is kind of funny (poor dog)!

Anyway be prepared to keep the ferrets and dog apart if they don't get

Best wishes

[Posted in FML 6296]