First I am giving God all the Glory here.

We sat in the vet office and prayed for her. After the vet came in and
saw her, he said she had a ear infection. He prescribed Clavamox 2x a
day and otomax 7.5Gm to be applied to infected ear twice daily for 10

We went to leave and she wanted in my coat (I havent been around her
for 2 days,walking in circles creeps me out) she walked all over the
inside of my coat digging on my shirt ,she at first had a major
attitude cuz the vet cleaned her ear,lol Then she curled up in the
vicinity of my belly button under my coat and went to sleep. Missy is
NOT a cuddle baby!

Out to the van she went still under my coat, climbing into the van was
kind of hard but doable..I didn't want to disturb her. LOL

Off to pet supply plus for ferret food. Missy still asleep under my
coat. Everyone wanted to pet the poor baby with the ear infection, she
even got a few kisses!

Heres the kicker we brought her home and set her on the floor. For the
last 2 days she was in her cage (normally she's out 12 hours and in the
cage 12 hours) She was correcting her head,if she started to curve too
far she'd straighten it out. Thus making her walk straighter, she tried
trotting (she was happy to be downstairs) She's be heading face first
toward the refrigerator or the wall and she stopped before she hit it,
moved her head and she was off again!

On a scale 1-10 (10 being perfectly ok) Hubby said the way she was
walking before we left for the vet was like a 3 (spinning in
circles,falling over) and by the time she got home her walking was like
a 6 walking around. This was all before she had any meds. He took her
upstairs and she climbed in the bottom drawer of my dresser. There's
one of those black tubes its laying under my drawer making it easy for
the babies to climb in and out.(Drawer partially open) If I see her
have any problems I'll put the doggie steps over there for her to use.

Thanks for the prayers all.


[Posted in FML 6295]