I have a ferret formerly known as Ariel that I got from a woman in
Connecticut. Nina/Ariel was found in a dumpster behind a Petco,
apparently a delivery truck had been robbed and the culprits didn't
want any live animals, so they dumped them. Anyway, 'Ariel' didn't get
along with this woman's ferrets so I offered to take her, in June of
2002. I would really like to talk with you, wherever you are (I am
sorry I don't even remember your name). Nina/Ariel is not doing so well
anymore, she is approaching 7 now and she has metastasized cancer all
over, we are just keeping her comfortable at this point. I would love
any baby pictures of her and to share how she has been all of these
years. If you are Ariel's previous owner, or you know someone in
Connecticut that owns ferrets and may have given her to me, please
let me know.


Cheryl Langfeld
South River, NJ

[Posted in FML 6295]