Hello all! I have a sad situation, and I'm hoping to get some feedback.
I rescued a teeny tiny little guy (Dom) from a local pet shop in my
town a little over two years ago. Privately bred, ending up being a
big ole guy after his first year. Pet shop refused to give me the
breeder information. Anyway, about 2 months ago a growth on his hind
"ankle" came up, and started growing FAST. Off to the vet for surgery,
diagnosis lymphoma. I was told it would come back sooner rather than
later, and not a whole lot to be done but keep him happy and spoiled.
(I'm looking for things other than chemo, radiation, etc...) Yesterday
as I was doing foo-foo day, I noticed that the tumor is growing again.
He isn't even 3 years old! Up until about 6 months ago, he was the
biggest goof, running and jumping on everything, trying to drag me
away, just a happy silly boy. Now he is losing a bit of hair, just
kind of wanders around, hasn't bit me in months! Doesn't even play with
cagemates. I have been supplementing soup with melatonin, he is looking
a little thin. I love my Dom Dom so much, but I just can't stand to see
him this way. I'm hoping that some of you wonderful people out there
that have been through this will have some suggestions for me. Thank


Stacey Lamb
KC Ferret Hotline East

[Posted in FML 6294]