SaraFerret and Bridge Greeters:

I just want to thank you all for what you do for the ferret community.
I have been around ferrets for 16+ years and many times in the past
have asked one of you to please greet one of my ferrets, whom I loved
so much, as they left my care. My first four ferrets, unfortunately,
never got the greeting because when I Iost them, I didn't know about
the help you gave to those of us grieving a loss. But after I learned
about what you have all done, I also asked you to make them welcome at
the Bridge, which you so kindly did. You will never know the relief I
have felt knowing that my kids have made it to the Bridge and have met
up with my others who have passed. Again, I thank you so much.

The kindness you have all shown helps those of us grieving a loss of a
dear pet. I have to believe I will really see all my little ones again
one day, otherwise I don't think I could stand losing any more of them.
They become such a part of your heart and as they age and become ill
with the normal problems, at least you know when their time comes, they
will be reunited with all the others you have lost and with you also
when your time comes.

Don't ever give up this wonderful thing you do for the community, no
matter what some #$@@*&^%$# might post here. I will always read the
posts from the Bridge Greeters, all of them, but usually after a few
sentences of some that I will not mention, I do not continue. I refuse
to read the nonsense often posted, specially by one particular person!

Again, a big thank you from the bottom of my heart to all Bridge
Greeters, present and past, who have helped me with the loss of all 32
of my ferrets. And knowing the 5 I still have will also be greeted.

mjo and her zoo:

Sadie, Bugsy, Mikey, Tulley, & Buddy (and dog, Mocha). R.I.P. Nipper,
Lightning, EZ, Cleo, Phantom, Sabrina. Tasha, Caesar, Sassy Britches,
Frosty Pants, Rocky, Bear, Casper, Boo Boo, Bilbo, Frodo, Pepper,
Frito, Lady Star, Topanga, Ragine, Phantom II, Bitty Bit, Angel,
Gweedo, Freda, Bebe, Sassy Too, Dover, Scooch, Cisco, & Pooh, and
dogs, Duke, Donny Boy, Garth, & Darwin (and several cats).

[Posted in FML 6293]