Hello everyone,

I am new to the FML and just wanted to introduce myself. My name is
Scott and I have just recently adopted a beautiful two year old ferret
from the "West Michigan Ferret Connection" located in Grand Rapids, MI.
It is run by a wonderful lady named Dee Gage. Dee if you happen to read
this, thank you for all of your help. It was a pleasure meeting you and
all of the beautiful little fuzzies that you have.

Anyway, the little girl that I adopted is wonderful, energetic and very
playful. She loves to romp around, ferret duh, and play with me and my
dog Mikki. Now Mikki is actually afraid of her, not in a bad way. But
she will run from the little one if she gets to close to Mikki's feet.
It is so funny!!! The little fuzzbutts name is Ruby and as I said she
is arond two years old. She is a beautiful little girl... very sweet.
Dee classified her as an AOV (any other variety). She's mostly white
with a little brown, kind of like a light silver but the black is
brown. She has burgundy eyes. I love her so much and she has brought
a lot of fun into my home.

So another reason for my writting is to let you all know, if you
haven't seen the articles yet, of the first Black Footed Kits born this
year. I cut/pasted the story from the "Colorado Springs: The Gazzette".
Hope you all enjoy reading about the new little ones.

Rare black-foot ferret gives birth in breeding program
March 30, 2009 - 3:37 PM


"FORT COLLINS - Federal officials have announced this season's
first births in the program attempting to rebuild the population
of the black-foot ferret, North America's most endangered mammal....

[Moderator's note: Remainder of article deleted here due to copyright
issues, but you can find it here:
And welcome, Scott! BIG]

Until next time I just want to say "HEY" to everyone out there. I am
looking forward to reading and learning. Take care all and hope
everyone has a wonderful day!

Scott J BouzaFerret Lover

[Posted in FML 6289]