Hello all,

I just recieved this e-mail from Cathy Ryan and she asked that I pass
it along to you.


Dear Ferret Club Members;

I think we have just seen the shortest presidency in the history of
ferret clubs. Earlier this week I shared with Stephanie that I have
chosen to decline the President's position for the Ferret Lover's
Club of Upper New York.

Many of you joined this club long before I came along. Undoubtedly,
you have given thought to what you as a member want from a ferret club.
I am hopeful, now that you are all aware that leadership is needed for
the club, someone will offer to host a "get together" and discuss the
club's future. Perhaps a "Friends of Lakeroad Ferret Shelter" club
would be more functional toward the goals you've set.

I wish the club much luck and as always, if I can be of help to anyone
regarding your ferrets feel free to drop me a line.

Cathy Ryan
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[Posted in FML 6293]