Ed foolishly said:
>SaraFerret was trampled and kicked off the Rainbow Bridge by the
>thundering hoofbeats of the Valkuerie's stallions as they galloped
>across the bridge on their way to Valhalla

Ed, Ed, Ed. Oh ye of little faith. Weren't your other posts getting
enough reaction? I'm sorry, but you are so wrong. My horse loved
ferrets and would never step on one, and we all know ferrets are too
smart and would just teleport out of the way. Silly man. Here's the
truth straight from the ferret's mouth.

A Single Bright Star

"Mama", Kit, who was always speaking up with new questions, began.
"What are those bright lights in the night sky? "

Jill sighed, and wondered if she'd ever get all of Kit's questions
answered, before she went to her new home. " Well Kit, each one of
those lights in the night sky is a fuzzy like us, that was loved very
much. "

"Really!" Kit was surprised by this answer.

"Yes, little one. Each ferret is sent down to be loved, and to love in
return, and make their human recall the joy and beauty in life. When
you get your own human, remember to dance and to make them laugh at
your antics, and teach them to find happiness in simple things. "

"All right, Mama", Kit replied thoughtfully "but how did those fuzzies
get up there? "

"Well Kit, once a ferret learns what love is, and it's their time to
return, Mother Earth takes their body to make beautiful flowers, their
soul is sent to romp and play at the rainbow bridge, and their heart,
which is full of love, ascends to the heavens to become a single bright
star. There they shine their love down on their special human. Love
makes the stars shine. Being ferrets, of course some will wink
playfully. That's why some of those stars look like they're blinking.
Once they know love, they are released from their pain. Some are very
lucky to have someone who loves them enough to help them move on. Then
they join the others as a single bright star."

Sandy and the Dook City Gang
Rainbow Crew; Chelsea, Valentine, Jasmine, Tasha, Boris, Taz, Sugar,
Honey, Popov and Katie

[Posted in FML 6292]