Ed wrote :
>SaraFerret was trampled and kicked off the Rainbow Bridge by the
>thundering hoofbeats of the Valkuerie's stallions as they galloped
>across the bridge on their way to Valhalla.

Ed? Is this supposed to be funny? I didn't like it. To think you would
even think to say anything bad about the Rainbow Bridge Greeters is not
in good humor. I have had lots of fur-kids greeted by the greeters and
have found comfort. I have been quiet at all of your disturbing posts,
I usually just skip over them and not read, but this one really did
catch my attention and had to comment about it.

Excuse me for saying this, but, How dare you mock the bridge greeters
and even find humor in harming them.

Carol A. Owens,
Brooking, Oregon

[Posted in FML 6292]