Yesterday I received a call from the Director of the Humane Society
Shelter in Warren County (Virginia), that someone had been evicted
from their home approximately 1 week before. It was also reported that
in that house were two ferrets living without food. Water apparently
had been supplied to them by the landlord.

The Humane Society rescued these two little so very polite 8 month old
girls and called me, as they handle mainly dogs and cats and were not
up to speed on ferrets. I was able to drop everything, pick them up and
drive the 60 miles over to FerretsFirst Shelter in Annandale, VA which
serves the Greater Washington DC Metro Area. I had alerted the shelter
director, Robin, of what the problem was, and she said, in the same
breath to bring them to her. The Humane Society may be a life saver,
but FerretsFirst was there to make sure life continues. I thank her.

I had the opportunity to meet her first lieutenant, "Jack." Here is a
man that everyone should want as a friend, employee, caregiver, etc.
This guy was great. He accomplished more in the hour I was there then I
sometimes accomplish in an entire day. What a guy.and a volunteer!!

All in all, all parties felt good by the end of the day that we had
all made our small contribution to help these two young ladies (called
Diamond and Sapphire). I had never met either Robin or Jack but so glad
I did, and most importantly.Diamond & Sapphire will be taken care of
and will hopefully soon be adopted by a loving home.

Just wanted to share.

Mark Sonder, CSEP
Chief Entertainment Officer
Mark Sonder Productions, Inc.
author, "Event Entertainment and Production" (Wiley 2004)

[Posted in FML 6292]