Obligate Carnivore is a rather ill defined noun subtended by an
adjectival modifier. Obligate can be taken to mean, mandatory or
required. Carnivore can be taken to mean an organism that sustains
its existence by consuming animal tissue as well as bone, be it an
accidental constituent part of the tissue eaten. Realize too that the
carnivore is not necessarily an animal. It is also a plant. A plant
that is obligated upon animal tissue and fluids in order to keep itself
alive. Obviously the carnivorous plant possess a vastly different
mechanism for extracting those compounds necessary for self sustenance -
a mechanism that is quite different from the mammalian structures
that produce the same results albeit in a manner infinitely more
complex than the plant carnivores nutrient extraction plumbing.

Consider for a moment the process of evolution where evolutionary
pressure upon an organism will result in minute changes to an organism
that sexually reproduces itself, as opposed to asexual reproduction.
One may ask how the process of animal domestication is related to
evolutionary changes over eons of time. Consider the elongate neck
of the giraffe, which animal, by the way, has the identical number
of cervical vertebrae as do you with your short stub of a neck.

Does the giraffe have a long neck because it was forced by the
pressures of change (Obamanism) in tree growth over eons of time as
trees grew taller and taller? Did the giraffes of way, way long ago
with their normally short necks nearly all die, because their tree
top food grew nearly out of reach? Did the follow on generations of
millions and millions of near starved short necked giraffes start the
evolutionary process of stretched necks with the results we see today,
the long necked giraffe?

Were you capable of plotting neck lengths over the eons of time, say
from the short neckers to the long neckers of today, I would ask you to
pick two giraffes, say two generations of separation between them and
measure the difference in any given cervical vertebrae, what would that
length difference be? Obviously, there must be a difference, because
otherwise how could the necks ever grow longer and longer over time?

Then too, this could be a futile hunt. It could be futile because the
very first giraffe was born with that long neck and evolutionary
pressures had nothing to do with it. Be this the case, then one may
ask what is/was the purpose of the giraffe?

And along this same thread, I should like to ask for that very first
wolf that was not a complete wolf but was the result of domestication
pressures exerted upon that one wolf by man that was to destine it a
domesticated wolf, which today we call a dog. Where is that wolf/dog?
I want to see it. I want to see if I can tell the difference between
the mother wolf and her wolf/dog puppy, however slight that difference
may be.

Obamanizing an organism over time, as the wolf to dog transition must
result in many, many changes in the genome. These changes, although
we know for sure that they are there somewhere, we haven't been able
to detect just one, or even many. And why is this? From the human
perspective, Delta is just too, too small, and secondly, we don't
really know where to look in the organism nor what physically to look

So just how can one be expected to find that which is unknown, its
size, contour, color and shape?

In summary I should like to ask, how has domestication affected the pet
ferret, not the wild ferret, whose pressure of domesticity is nil, but
the pet ferret upon whom the pressure for Obamanism is tremendous and

There is nobody out there today who can prove beyond any possible doubt
that the ferret of today is exactly the same as it was the 2nd Tuesday
in October, the day it branched off the Canoidea tree of evolutionary
development. Is it not absurd to state emphatically that the alimentary
canal of the ferret, in form, fit and function, is identical in every
respect to the alimentary canal of that ferret who arrived the 2nd
Tuesday in October?

The proponents of obligated carnivore food restriction to meat and meat
only are denying their ferrets the opportunity of good health. Try
this. Offer a slowly cooked tomato mixed with the meat. Blend the meat
and tomato in a high speed blender for two minutes and bring to soup
consistency with canned vegetable broth. Feed to your ferret while
soup is still warm. Take a look at Nutritional Value of Tomato.

Nutritional Value of Tomato:
Nutrition Facts and Information about Tomato: Tomato is a good source
of calcium and iron. It also contains some amounts of phosphorus,
sulfur and potassium.

Vitamin Content: Tomato is rich in vitamin C and contains some vitamin
B and vitamin A. The vitamin C content increases as the vegetable

TomatoCalorific Content of Tomato: 100 g of tomato contains only 20
calories. These calories are easy to absorb . The low calorie content
of tomato makes it a favorite of obese ferrets. It provides you some
of the essential minerals and vitamins, fills the stomach and does not
add calories

Health Benefits of Tomato: The nutritional value of tomato makes it
good for weight loss, obesity, eye disorders, night blindness, urinary
tract infection, liver disorders, indigestion, constipation, diarrhea,
intestinal disorders, and diabetes. It also helps in cleansing the body
of toxic compounds. The minute lignin/cellulose fibers excreted by the
ferret, as indigestibles, act to scrub clean the walls of the lower
digestive tract and prevent the development of ECE (Epizootic Catarrhal
Enteritis). Be aware that the mixing of meats and vegetables, cooked
and micro-miniaturized in the ultra-hi speed blender, is synergized
such that the total benefit is greater than the benefit of either
food item alone.

It's the Pioneers who take the arrows.
Edward Lipinski
Ferrets North West Foundation.

[Moderator's note: For the sake of people searching archives, please
let me note here that Mr. Lipinski's views do not reflect the views
of any scholarly community I am aware of. There is no research to
support his assertions but much which disproves them. BIG]

[Posted in FML 6292]