OC Survival is dependent upon eating meaty substances, period. As far
as that goes, it seems correct and defines the obligatory carnivore

However, what it does not say, what is omitted, is the knowledge that
food stuffs other than the meaty ones can be simultaneously consumed to
the benefit of the animal and human. Combinations of plant foods with
meaty substances are doubtless more nutritious than either alone. This
mixing is synergy.

The question arises, when was synergistic food eating first attempted
by early man, the upright carnivore?

The answer is to be found in the paleontological research of the gut
contents, the fecal pellets, and food debris of earliest known, modern
man, Mr. Zhoukoudian, an apparent Tianyuan cave dweller who lived near
Beijing City, China, 38,500 to 42,000 years ago.

You need answer this question: how is old man Zhouk's alimentary canal
similar to yours? Would you consider it reasonable that Zhoukies
alimentary canal is quite different from yours? Has there been
evolutionary change during the past 42,000 years, especially to your
gut? Please keep in mind, the noble claim that old man Zhouk was an
obligatory carnivore. You are not ... and neither is the modern day
ferret, period!

So let's all sit down and have a bowl of warm beef vegetable soup. Oh,
don't forget to invite your ferret for his portion.

Ouch! Ouch! It's the pioneers who get the arrows.

Edward Lipinski
Ferrets North West Foundation.

[Moderator's note: For the sake of people searching archives, please
let me note here that Mr. Lipinski's views do not reflect the views
of any scholarly community I am aware of. There is no research to
support his assertions but much which disproves them. BIG]

[Posted in FML 6292]