Dear SaraFerret greeter of de New Zealand Ferrets. We sadly bring news
of another; Fergus was a young one just a year old, when he suddenly
took ill. He went to da vets and was treated with antibiotics, had
scans and xrays, everything to find what was wrong. But nothing worked
and nothing showed apart from some sort of infection, it laid him low
and took the use of his legs, why we cried, why young Fergus, dancer
of dancers and loopalatic leaps and jumps. Why our Fergus so young and
full of life. Mum Jocelyn and dad Geoff did try everything, and we
prayed, and petitioned to no avail. So his mum said let his soul sail,
so with a helping hand he passed quietly in loving arms, too early, oh
too soon.

May the New Zealand Clan of "Angel Ferrets" greet him as he crosses?
His journey will have been slow in getting there as he couldn't walk
no more, he will be tired from trying so hard to stay

Here the ferret numbers grow less; there at the Rainbow Bridge do they
increase, spreading NZ ferret love through the universe.

We all miss our friend Fergus. Wishing Healing, Free Running and High
Flying we pass him into your hands

Ferret Mums of New Zeland and the Clan of Ferrets

[Posted in FML 6287]