You know, I learned something about myself last night. I learned that
when I hurt as bad as I did losing Zeus, rather like I did with Helena,
the tears, hysterics, etc - I fly off the board in trying to "fill the
hole". You'd think I'da noticed a pattern before this - but it took til
last night to see it.....cause I remember when I lost Helena, I went
bonkers trying to find "another ferret" to fill the void.....same thing
when I lost Sinbad Da Kat. I came home with two new cats, much to my
poor husbands dismay......but when I wasn't completely wrecked by
losing Ricky and Artie (not to the extent I was with Zeus and Helena,
as I had time to prepare for their death's) - I didn't go "hunting".
And quite frankly put, it is all my husband's fault what happened next.
I mean, c'mon, if I didn't notice my behavior - HE should have, right?

Well - I met with the sweetest gal yesterday who just brought two of
their newest, youngest rescues - just for me to "look at". Yeah, right.
Look my petunia. She came in - set them off the floor - they found
MoJoMan, Tristan and Isolde - and poor Aeros Da Dog.....and the rest
is history. They didn't even look back once. They played, destroyed,
broke, dumped plants, and did everything that my kids know as "no-no's.
My kids looked at me once - like: Uhm, Mom? Aren't they gonna get a
time out for dat? As I chatted with this wonderful young woman, she
explained how she and her mom do a small scale rescue in the Moriarity
area. These youngsters were left with them a bit ago - and they were
trying to rehome them. So...... I accidentally took in two newbies in.
( I swear, it's on a "trial basis only") - least that's what I told husband may never be the same........he's like - uhm,
Kim? Didn't we discuss not getting anymore til the grieving period was
over? I said. I'm all done. You? *Winks*. And yes, sucker that I am -
they are Marshall throwaways........perfect for what's left of my
eclectic group.....a little silver mix girl with a white blaze on her
fore head, and a champagne boy. The little boy is around 6 months and
the little girl around a far, they get along with MoJoMan
(my adrenal kid) - Tristan (as far as I know my perfectly healthy sable
boy about 1 yr.) and Isolde (my deaf little girl about 1.5 yrs). They
are mischevious, bouncing off the wall, hyper little butter balls.
Exactly what I need to get past this Zeus issue.......I spent most of
the night cleaning up the cat food they dug out of the cat food dish,
the ferret food they tipped out of the bowls.....and numerous other
"no-no" spots they have yet to learn. Aeros da dog was run out of the
house by Sampson - who thought it would be cool to grab onto the under
hair of his tummy with his teeth and hang on for dear life while Areos
ran in circles trying to dislodge this "thing". He's wonderful with the
ferrets. He didn't snap - bite, or even growl. He did look up at me -
glared while I was laughing my butt off - and still wasn't speaking to
me as of this morning..........IF they stay - they will be renamed:
Sampson and Delhlila. Because we found out "Sampson" can lift a
heavy ceramic bowl of food and fling it up in the air with his teeth -
and "Delhilila" stood there "egging" him Back to the
basics of life........will someone remind me to CUT THIS OUT please?

Side note - we buried Zeus last night. He took some ferretvite and
bandits with him to the Bridge to share. He got a beautiful apricot
rose bush to garnish his resting spot. Rest in peace my quiet little

Kim and her Ever Expanding Group of Idiots

[Posted in FML 6285]