Now that I can see the keyboard again, sniff, Kim and Helen, I want
to say how sorry I am for your loses. Kim, you are so blessed to have
such a wonderful and caring vet!! Helen, I sent you and Mondo a ecard
earlier and am so sorry it didn't turn out better.

I am owned by my first 2 ferrets and can't even begin to imagine the
pain of losing them, Death and loss is a very hard, hard thing to have
to deal with, but I fully understand when it happens to one of our
fuzzy's, it seems harder to take, I too have other animals and when its
their time to go, I will understand, but there is just something about
ferrets that take more of everything from you and I don't think we can
exactly pinpoint what it is, its just something so very special. I
can't even begin to try and explain how much joy and love my fuzzy's
have given me and so, so much more. They have saved me from so much its
unbelievable!! They have made my life so much better, even with the
pain I know I'll experience later, I'll always have fuzzy's in my life,
I can't see me living without them. I think the joys of having them
outweigh the pain of losing them.Not by much, but a little more. For
what they have given to me, will never be forgotten, even in death, I
will ALWAYS remember and be forever grateful.

Bless you Mondo and Zeus, your mom's are sad and in pain right now, but
they will ALWAYS remember what you have given them, and that will make
them smile again, I guarantee it. Kim and Helen, don't give up on love,
there are so many more that need it. You are in my thoughts and prayers

Darlene, Addie & BooBoo

[Posted in FML 6283]