Dear Ferret Folks-

Sometimes when my heart needs a little soothing, I go on Youtube and
check out the ferret videos, as a lot of you do. My favourites, though,
are the videos of foreign ferrets. It just does my heart good in a
world filled with racial and religious strife to see that all over the
world, we love our ferrets. Why? Because despite the boundaries and
difficulties that separate us, we are all hoomin, we all love just the

Here are some of my favourites--

This lady has done a beautiful job of training her ferret, or should I
say that her ferret has done a beautiful job of training her to give
him a treat? She tells her ferret (in Spanish) to roll over, stand up,
die (muerto!) and turn around. These are his four tricks, or "trucos."
She tells him "Muy bein, toma!" (very good, drink!) Whatever is in the
syringe, he likes it a lot!

This one is entitled (in Spanish) "A wet ferret is a crazy ferret."
Yup. All over the world.

This one is entitled "Pinche Huron Loco." Pinche is a Spanish word that
is a bit sharper than "D**n!" So, the d**n crazy ferret (huron) has
pulled the insulation out of the stove.

This one says in Spanish "Luna is crazy." Look at that tail!

Sometimes, things get lost in translation. This is entitled "Lovely
action of the ferret." I think someone Japanese was using his best
English. Not sure how I'd describe this...but I wouldn't use the
word "Lovely!"

I love this one! I think this is also Japanese. I can usually identify
Japanese writing, but I can't read it at all. Fortunately this one
comes with an English title, "Slipper is mine!" Aren't you glad you
live in a culture where your shoes are usually firmly attached to your

One of the interesting things about the foreign videos is that
sometimes you see a coat pattern that you have *never* seen before.
There is not a lot of action in this Japanese video, but look at that
ferrret! Wide as a bus, he looks like a little badger. He has a light
head, a dark ring around his neck, and then a gray body. I have never
seen a ferret that looked like that. Perhaps some of you very
knowledgeable ferret Mamas have, but this was a first for me. The
gray fellow shows up in a lot of videos, usually with a DEW.

This is marvelous- I don't know what language this is or what it says.
But the message is universal!. You just can't back up in a rounded pan!

Alexandra in MA 

[Posted in FML 6282]