Hi everyone!

Is peanut butter (natural with no added sugar) bad for ferrets with

At the beginning of January Rocky refused to eat his food (Bob's CG
mixed with a little chicken baby food). After syringe feeding, not
very successfully, my bf discovered that he'd eat his food if there
was peanut butter on his finger. So we started adding a bit of peanut
butter to his food and he eats ok, though a bit less than before. Since
then his BG has dropped significantly from what it even was when he was
hardly eating anything.

Could it be the peanut butter? Or is it just the expected decline in a
ferret with insulinoma (2yrs since diagnosis). There's been no other
change in his diet. Recent addition of Lupron.

If so, does anyone have any recommendations of what I can put in his
soup to make it more palatable? he no longer seems to like Ferretone.
He likes heavy cream & egg yolks. It seems though that if I add heavy
cream he gets seedy poop (undigested fat?), though it is not a problem
when I give him his meds in a little cream after he eats.

Are ferret chewsticks OK?

Thanks for your help.

Rocky--"Don't tell her da peanut butter's no good; I love it.  I'm
sick of that soup."

[Posted in FML 6275]