>Subject: suprelion
>Can whomever posted the post about using the melatonin-type med made
>in the UK and Australia please email me off line?? I'd like more
>information. I just contacted the company and as I am going home to
>KY> from Australia in 2 weeks, I'd like more information.

Suprelorin (deslorelin) implants for ferrets are a med that is similar
to Lupron, but cheaper and longer lasting. You'd have to be sure the
form prescribed is the right one for ferret use.

At this point in time there is still an application to have it approved
for use in the U.S. that is still waiting for decision the last i
heard, so still not approved for use here.

It is not legal to bring in such medications under normal conditions so
you could actually get yourself into some real trouble when you could
instead use Lupron Depots.

Either Lupron and Suprelorin can be used in conjunction with melatonin
for better results.

There are multiple vet studies and I am just pulling a few that come
up first but search under
deslorelin +ferrets
deslorelin and ferrets
depending on the search engine.
 not a study but useful:
and there are plenty more, including Tony's descriptions in the FHL

Sukie (not a vet)

Recommended ferret health links:

[Posted in FML 6273]